Willem -- only days before he was stricken with HLH -- leisurely walking, straw in mouth, not a care in the world. A healthy 9 year old boy.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Willem- Still in the hospital, But.....

Since last we left our hero he had been to Art Prize. The next day he was allowed out and spent a few hours at his grandparents with the kids from across the street visiting.  It was a very nice relaxed time. He worked on a massive Lego project and enjoyed himself.  Then he was able to go home to his own house for a few hours and that was the best. As you can see this is all good.

School work has been good, reading, writing, arithmetic!  He is staying up with the teacher's assignments.


Thursday he had another upper GI procedure (barium)

Friday  he had another gastro emptying procedure to test his motility (Speed and amount of food that passes through his system). He ate another English muffin with "nuclear eggs" and they take pictures every 15 minutes for a total of 7 shots. In the first test his "score" was 3%- this test 33%. I We got this news late last night and will get full explanation today. I was able to watch the progress on a monitor and even I  could see the improvement.

He had 2 places in his small intestine that were "constricted". One of those 2 has completely healed. The other is the problem spot and we will get more info today.

His spirits are good. During the test on yesterday his stomach area started to hurt.cramp. It was because his gall bladdr and intestine has not sen that much food for a long time and when they went into action it hurt him. He has to learn how to process food again. His comment was "Stupid stomach-I hate mu tummy".

More later- Take care all and keep the faith

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