Willem -- only days before he was stricken with HLH -- leisurely walking, straw in mouth, not a care in the world. A healthy 9 year old boy.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


  • Willem's bilirubin levels are up and he's starting to get jaundiced again.  Ultrasound revealed a liver that's slightly enlarged -- possibly (probably) due, in part, to the TPN. 
  • Explained my stand on nutrition to Willem's nurse -- especially my dissatisfaction with the nutrition nurse recommending Froot Loops.  Left the hospital for a little bit and, upon my return, found two empty boxes of Froot Loops in the wastebasket.  Nurse didn't seem to care what I thought. 
  • Made a fresh fruit smoothie with Shakeology protein powder for Willem to keep in the hospital refrigerator. Left instructions to have him drink it with every meal and for a snack.
  • Brought a box of Kashi and some fresh fruit for Willem to have in his room for snacks.
  • Erin and I mentioned to the doctors that we thought it would be a good idea to just keep Willem in the hospital until he was BMT ready and then proceed with the BMT.  This may just be what will happen.
  • Bilirubin levels down.
  • Willem called my cell phone at 7am requesting my special pancakes (organic kamut w/real maple syrup) and some scrambled eggs.  And to tell me that the hospital gave him French toast for breakfast.  So I got up and made the items and brought them to the hospital.  Willem wanted them when I arrived and ate one pancake and half the scrambled eggs.  The leftovers are in the hospital's fridge.
  • Cousin Brenda visited from Ohio and brought Willem some board games. Sequence.  Thank you cousin!!  Great seeing you and thanks for visiting.  Good fun.
  • Willem doing better today.  Adding more things to his med tree but at least he's eating now, and, hopefully, absorbing nutrients.  It's a fight getting nutritional food in him but Willem's on board (he's calling us whenever he gets food and tells us what is on his tray -- his idea.  What an awesome little boy he is).  He's not supposed to have leafy greens (docotor's orders) so he called to report that he got leafy greens on his tray.  
  • Willem is getting some treats of course.  

HDCH is an excellent hospital and the doctors and staff are doing what they do and they're doing it very well.  As with any team, however, there will be challenges and some members will even have to be picked up from a fall, carried, and re-motivated.  I think everyone is on the same page now.


Thank you Hertl family for your donation to Willem's cause.  Thank you very much and thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

Thank you Brenda for coming to visit.  What great fun.

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