Willem -- only days before he was stricken with HLH -- leisurely walking, straw in mouth, not a care in the world. A healthy 9 year old boy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Brain Byopsy

Wow.  A lot of information -- I needed a camera and sound crew.  It's really quite amazing to watch nineteen doctors collaborating over Willem's case.  There is a lot of uncertainty amongst them all but do not confuse this with a lack of direction.  Fascinating to watch them brainstorm.  I attempted to describe it but my words quickly became chaos so I will just update you as to what is happening next:

There will be a brain biopsy in an effort to determine what the abscesses are; i.e. whether they are fungal or bacterial. I am being told that the biopsy may not reveal anything. Infectious diseases (ID) feels it's HLH and all others feel it's bacterial.  The supporting information seems to suggest that it's bacterial. ID has indicated that they would prefer some less invasive tests done first before doing the brain biopsy.  A simple eye exam, for example, can detect evidence of toxoplasmosis.

There will possibly be a scope of his sinuses to see if there was any sign of a mold infection. There will be tests for several molds common to Michigan -- Grand Rapids Township in particular.

Neurology will be having further tests done on the Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF).  They will test for lymphoma, John Cunningham (JC) virus, and toxoplasmosis -- something associated with cat feces and under cooked meats.  We don't have cats and he hasn't had any under cooked meats. There will also be an MRI done on the spine.  HDCH PICU does not mess around.  Neurology has positive things to say about Willem's condition.  HEMOC docs look very glum.

Overwhelming and fascinating at the same time.  More Overwhelming than fascinating.  I don't want to feel anymore.


Many thank yous are owed to so many people...  Again, I will miss some of you to be sure and I'm not so sure I can keep up anymore.

Thank you Baxters for your donation to Willem's cause.  Thank you very very much.

Thank you to Jennifer Kolster -- you're pretty darn amazing.  Thank you.

Thank you again to the Meadow Brook staff and all you awesome people behind the scenes doing stuff that I'm not completely aware of but have been informed is wonderful.

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