Willem -- only days before he was stricken with HLH -- leisurely walking, straw in mouth, not a care in the world. A healthy 9 year old boy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Inclined Plane

Willem is putting together a lego car (Thank you Jessica and Curtis!) as mommy is handing him the pieces.  He will describe the piece he needs and mommy will hand it to him.  He just asked for "...a piece that looks like an inclined plane."  His request made me think metaphorically for a moment.

Okay...  Willem is still in PICU and is off the oxygen mask now and breathing room air.  His oxygen saturation is good.  BP still a little high and RR will get up into the 50s when laying on his back. Sitting up gives us a RR in the low 30s.  Which is good.  Staff will discuss now when he can go back to the 9th floor; i.e. out of PICU and back on track for BMT.

Willem was moved to a different room on the PICU (for no other reason than convenience for the medical staff) and now has a sick view of the helipad! Willem is in good spirits but still in some pain. He promised that if I let him rest a little bit he will give us an anniversary present of walking -- actual walking -- around the PICU.  I shall call it the "PICU Loop."


Thank you Chachulski family for the food!  It was so nice not having to cook given the day I had yesterday.  And momma Chachulski I do so love that apple thingy you make.  In fact, I love it too much.  No more of that y'hear?

Thank you friend for the phone call from Afghanistan!  My eyes got wet from hearing your voice and with the realization that I missed the call.  I was only feet away giving "cheek love (we rub cheeks)" to Willem and missed your call because my phone was on vibrate.  Thank you so much for thinking of us and calling.  I will listen to your voicemail over and over.

Thank you Jessica and Curtis.

Thank you Mrs. Melzter for your donation.  Thank you very much.

Thank you Jody for the hug.  Hugs are always appreciated and very therapeutic.

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