Willem -- only days before he was stricken with HLH -- leisurely walking, straw in mouth, not a care in the world. A healthy 9 year old boy.

Friday, August 19, 2011

8/19 930am

Missed rounds but nurse tells me that there really wasn't any new information.  Should find out pretty soon if they're actually going to do chemo or not.  If they do not I will be surprised.

Willem managed to make it through the night and morning without a fever so it was nice seeing him with a blanket on him for once.  Developed a LOW grade fever this morning at 8am and got a little Tylenol.

Infectious Diseases (ID) doctor stated that, when he looked at the latest chest x rays, there appeared to be pneumonia but the nurse, who sits by Willem's bedside for 12 hours, said she did not hear that when the doctors did their rounds.  Nurse Kristi ordered -- no, seriously ordered -- the ID doc to go double check that and get back with me.  I love nurse Kristi.

Okay... Just waiting on the Hemo group (I think I've heard them referred to as the "Hemog") to come up to let us know what we're doing.

Thank you Michael for taking Wyatt and Liliana to Big Boy for breakfast and the Children's museum.  You are the best!

1 comment:

  1. Go Nurse Kristi! In all the medical stuff I've been through I've discovered it may be the doctor's who diagnose and heal but it's the nurses who care. We're praying for you Willem (and I don't say that lightly!)
